Thursday, November 30, 2006


All right, I can understand that singles go through great lengths to meet people. I also understand that if you are busy and in a circle that does not have the right one for you it makes it tough to branch out. So people do the dating service thing, which is great. I personally know people that have done it and have been happy with it. I know a few couples that met over the internet, got maried, and lived happily ever after.

However, this next step in dating services I just do not understand. In this CNN report, they discuss how mobile companies are now starting to text message you when a compatible single is in your area. Yep, you could be at the mall and get a text message stating that a 27-year-old female from your town is at the forever 21 store.

So let's say you are this 27 year old female on one of those "I don't want to be out of the house cause I look like crap and just needed milk" runs and she's got dudes looking all over the gas station to find her cause she's compatible. ROFL I just think this is strange.

but if whatever floats your boat. Apparently it's the rage in China but if you've ever seen MXC you'll understand how I feel about that statement.

AOL video is offering free movie downloads for one day only

AOL Video is offering free movies to all


This Saturday users will be able to download 1 free movie selected from over 30 different titles per user at It looks like they are trying to drive a little more traffic to their lackluster performing product. No price beats free, so head on over there at 6:00 AM Eastern time and get your new movie. Regular pricing for the videos range from 9.99 to 19.99 but $0.00 is the best price yet.

I don't know how easy it is to use AOL Video but I'm excited to find out this Saturday :)

I'll post back with a review of the transaction.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Helio cell phones dish up great tech packages

Helio has its crosshairs centered over being the new web leaders in mobile technology. They are dialing in on some of the hottest web plans to date including MySpace mobile and GPS controlled Google maps.

MySpace Mobile

With the new MySpace mobile option you can log in to your profile at any time and anywhere. Have current updates on your blog comments, comments and personal messages at all times. You will never find yourself looking for a fix to know what people are thinking about your new mirror picture again. In addition, if you are a Helio member you get four extra profile pictures for your MySpace account. If you weren't already sold you gotta be by now.

GPS and Google Maps Mobile

Never get lost again with the Google maps in hand at all times. Find locations by address or business name while on the go. In addition, use the GPS buddy beacon to keep tabs on your friends, family or significant other at all times.

The three different devices from Helio range from 100$ to 225$ with packages running from 65$-135$ a month with free 2-day shipping on all orders.

Are we to the point where we get annoyed to be reminded of the death toll in Iraq?
You can read the story here and decide for yourself.

In my opinion it seems like some people would like it to be more publicly known what is going on with our troops and there are others that would like to hide it and never discuss it.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Cingular, Samsung and Microsoft have teamed up to make one badass phone (if that is what you want to call it) with the new Blackjack. This thing is pretty much a tiny computer that makes phone calls.

Get ready to enjoy all of the innovative technology when you wrap your hands around this bad boy. The phone comes equipped with Windows Mobile software, Media Player 10 Mobile, Cingular video, a microSD slot, over five ways to receive e-mails and messaging, a 1.3-megapixle camera and much more.

This phone is also very stylish. Its sleek design makes all the other smart phones to date look like hunks of garbage to me.

I just signed up with a new 2-year contract with Qwest so I am pretty much stuck with the phone that i have. If I were not I know that I would be getting one of these things.

976 million dead birds a year.

Recently I heard a report stating that from 5-50 million birds die each year due to the existence of cell phone towers. Apparently at night the birds circle the red light on the top of the towers thinking it's a star. They repeatedly circle the light thinking they are following it to their destination and finally just get exhausted and drop to their death.

At first glance I thought, well we should do something about this. Something has got to be done. Then I looked into it a little further and found that this is not a significant amount of bird deaths at all. Compared to things like cars, high tension wires and of course windows Communication towers are the least lethal of the list of man made things to fly into.

An estimated 97 to 976 million birds die each year from flying into windows. Yep, you heard me right. Flying into windows… So if you feel guilty when you are using your cell phone next time do something good for the birds. If you put a screen on the exterior of your home windows you just might save a birds life :)

Here is a little video that I thought might add to this article :)

I got the chart above from

Top tips for getting ready to buy your 1st home

Buying your first home is a very exciting and sometimes stressful endeavor. One thing on the stressful side is the whole loan process. People are looking through all of your personal finances and telling you what you can afford and what you should not have done in your past. They will pull your credit report and go over it with a fine toothed comb. All this is before you even hit the streets to start looking at homes.

To make this a whole lot stressful there are many things you can do. Following some of the tips I have here on this will surely help.

Top tips for first time house buyers

1 : Find a Realtor that you feel comfortable with
. If you find somebody trustworthy stick with them. This person is going to be spending a lot of time with you.

2: Take care of your credit. Get your credit report and find all of the flaws on your own. Pay off all collections or settlements. There may be some skeletons in your closet that will be better taken care of now than in the mortgage office.

3: Save your money. This is extremely important. If you can get 20% of the loan amount saved you can avoid the PMI (private mortgage insurance). PMI can cost 200$ a month or more and stays on your account until you prove that 20% equity has acquired. You will save thousands of dollars if you can avoid PMI.

4: Keep all of your documents
. Everything that you sign or that is given to you must be kept in a safe place. I hope that you will not ever need them but if you do, they are priceless.

5: Don't take out any new loans or credit cards
. Every loan, credit card or even cell phone you apply for requires they pull your credit report. Each time they pull your report a few points is deducted from your credit score. These few points could be the difference in a few hundred dollars on your monthly mortgage payment so it is best to wait until after you buy a house if you can.

6: Pay attention to the roof, appliances, furnace and water heater. If the house has a 20 year old roof and a 15 year old furnace you need to bargain down the price. These are very costly things to repair and they will need to be done within the next couple of years. It is always ideal to find a house with all new appliances but this shouldn't detour you from the your favorite pick. Use these weaknesses as a negotiating point.

7: Visualize what the house will be like.
Often times people are turned away from great houses due to ugly carpet, paint or even furniture. Try to visualize the rooms with your style and furniture. It is amazing what a roller, some elbow grease and a bucket of paint can do to a room.

Good luck and I hope you find that perfect abode.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Warning : this video is profane, racial and disturbing

Friday night Seinfeld's actor Michael Richards who played Cosmo Kramer had a physical meltdown Friday at the Laugh Factory comedy club. He was in his words "interupted" by a African American patron to his show Kyle Ross and he lost it.Richards responded to the heckling by screaming "Fifty years ago we'd have you upside down with a f***ing fork up your ass." The Tirade goes on and gets much worse when he starts pointing and screaming "he's a ni#$er" over and over.

I have watched the video and I promise you that it is hard to stomach. I am the type of guy that can handle a pretty rough joke but this doesn't come off as a joke in the least. The way that this comes off is hateful and disgusting.

Here is a link to the video but I warn you that it is very disturbing. The only good thing about this is that people in the audience had the balls to stand up, do the right thing and leave the show. Sometimes it's hard to do the right thing in the moment but a few people got it right in this clip.

I just watched the video one more time and it is really really really bad.

What is Google page rank and what does it get you?

Google has invented their own system for ranking the authority or value websites from 0-10. Page rank is strictly judged on the amount of links to your site from other websites. So page rank is essentially a reflection of the work that you have done on your website. If people like your site, a certain article or picture they will post a link to send people there. Links are not all equal however. The higher the pages rank of the linking page the more weight it will pass on to you. Attaining higher ranking links will in turn give you more traffic due to their viewers along with helping you with your page rank.

What does PR do for you?

PR is in a sense like a diploma. A diploma stands for all of the hard work you have done. It is a symbol of your knowledge. Having the diploma doesn't help you solve problems in your field, however the knowledge that it took to acquire the diploma is what finds your solutions. Having a higher page rank isn't going to make your site more valuable, it is just going to back up or credit the fact that you are a highly respected source in your niche.

Achieving a page rank of 5 isn't going to make you more money (unless you are selling links). Getting the page rank of five is the result of the work that you have already done that will make you the more money. Your traffic will most likely go up from a PR4 to PR5 because you will have more inbound links. Those inbound links are always a direct result of something that you did. It could be an article that you submitted or somebody wanting to quote your content on their site. You could also have an image that is popular or many other reasons to receive one-way links to your site.

Content is King!

The more quality and original content you can create the better. If you want to write an article about “widgets” take it a step further and contact the creator of widgets for an interview. If you could get an interview with him/her on your site many other widget sites will probably link to you to show their users the industry news. Write articles about your widgets or a very specific type of widgets. If you are the only person on the net that has an article about South Caroline Red Widgets then you should come up first for that search.

Publish Articles

Also try submitting your articles and content to other sites in the industry. If they like your articles they will post them (it’s free content for them). In the articles always include a one way back-link to your site. Every time you publish an article you have just earned yourself a quality back-link.

Submit to Directories

Some directories are free and many of them cost money for monthly or yearly sub listings. If you are on a low budget find a list for free directories that you can submit your site to. Free directories generally take longer to get listed and have a faster pay option that lists your site a little higher on the page. If somebody is going to find your site through a directory they may also put a link somewhere on the web.

Get Viral

This is what everyone is after. If you can create links that duplicate many times over you are in the money. Many people post a quality article on their site and then submit it to to achiever the “digg affect”. If you site gets dugg and makes it to the top page you will see a massive up tick in traffic. If the digg users like it enough to bring it up to the top page they will also like it enough to blog about it. This will all result in new quality back links to your site. Which will in turn create higher PR and more traffic channeling through your link network across the web to your pages?

Have passion

Ultimately if you enjoy your site, others will too. Finding passion in your niche will make creating content a breeze. I wish the best of luck to all of you out there on the world wide web.

How to create a animated gif

Ok, I am going to show you how to create an animated gif using

You are going to need a few photgraphs or a short .wmv file to make your animation. I am going to use the photograph to the right and alter the color using Microsoft Picture manager a few times.

Now that you have your pictures selected go to this link at gifninja to create you gif.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

MySpace fights against friend requsting robots.

Ever since Myspace became the #1 social network of the web people have been using programs like adderrobot or autoadder to promote their bands, self or websites. Myspace has recently been making some drastic changes to their coding to cripple the robots ability to navigate the site.

Does this mean no more sleazy girls pretending to like you and "hang out with new people in the area". Maybe for a little while but I'm sure the bot creators will eventually figure out a way to work around the changes. Many older users on Myspace are driving away from the site due to all of the spam. They tend to find refuge in networks like facebook or bebo.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

GifNinja - A refreshing new site is a refreshing new site that I have come across. This free site allows the user to create animated gifs from their pictures or video files without having to buy a program or download a 30 day trial. I found the converting process very painless as you just browse to you file location, click upload and your gif appears on the screen shortly after. This site also offers free storage of your gifs in your profile section where you can view your pictures, their ranking and the comments that people have made on them. There are thousands of gifs to comment on or view to get ideas for your next one also.

Once you convert your files into animated gifs you can use them all over the place. It seems that animated gifs have seen a revival in recent times due to people using them for their signature in forums and as profile pictures for social networks like MySpace.

Here are a few examples that I found on the site :)

-Here's one made from video.

-And here's one made from pictures.

Now go and check out the site your own self! GifNinja

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Adsense earnings are like the stock market.

Have you ever talked to a financial advisor? If you do, they are going to tell you one thing repeatedly. You must diversify your account. By diversifying your account, you lower the risk of loosing all of your earnings. You know the old idiom "don't put all your eggs in one basket". Well, the same applies to adsense.

Let us say you have poured all of your time and effort into one site about widgets. You have acquired Hundreds of links, traffic is doing well and you are getting high search engine results. You are averaging about 50-60 dollars a day with clicks. What happens if that niche starts paying .03 or less a click for widgets? Now you are driving 2,000 people to your site a day, getting 300 clicks and it is all for 9 dollars.

Of course, everybody starts out with his or her first site. Take the knowledge and earnings you have gained from your first site and branch out. Reinvest at least some of what you get out of your work and it will start building like a snowball. Just do not forget to pay attention to your older sites and update them as regular as possible.

Therefore, here is the connection. Create a few sites that you enjoy and divide your time amongst them. Drive 650 people a day with three sites your adsense portfolio will be much more stable. If one of your niches takes a large drop in earnings, you have other niches to fall back on. Hopefully another site will pick up the slack during slow times.

The fun of TV shopping...

I bought a new TV this weekend. Actually I bought a new TV and exchanged it for a different brand.

I have just finally finished up a nightmare 1 1/2 year relationship with Apex digital. It's a long story but to keep it short I'll just say their TVs suck and their customer service it 10 times worse.

So me and my wife headed out into the big world to find ourselves a new TV. Circuit City is where we ended up and we bought a Polaroid 32" HDTV LCD. After bringing it home and unwrapping it like a kid at x-mass both the wife and I were very upset with the picture. We hooked it up to cable box with component cables. The picture along with the sound were terrible. I tried to like the TV but for 750$ I just couldn't convince myself that it was worth it.

Once at Circuit City again we found the Magnavox 32" HDTV LCD tv for 50$ more than the Polaroid. Now we have this TV at home and it is a slick machine. The HDTV comes in crisp and clear on the HD channels and looks great on regular TV. It doesn't have trails like the Polaroid did and the sound quality is much better. All in all I'm happy with my purchase of the Magnavox along with the customer service at circuit city. They handled the exchange in a matter of about 2 minutes with no complaints at all.